Employer Retirement Plans

As a fiduciary, you are accountable for the retirement plan you provide to your employees.  That's a serious responsibility.

So shouldn't the advisors you trust with your retirement plan be a fiduciary too?


With AEGIS as your partner, you can choose from an almost unlimited universe of providers, free from proprietary vendor or product pressures and conflicts of interest. We take the time to understand your objectives and design a retirement plan program that provides your employees with the greatest value and, to the extent possible, reduces your administrative responsibilities. 

Our status as independent retirement plan consultants enables us to provide your plan participants with what they value most, investment guidance to help them feel confident about the decisions they are making to pursue their retirement goals.  We will help you select the provider that most appropriately fits the specific needs of your company and employees.We take the time to understand your objectives and design a retirement plan program that provides your employees with the greatest value and, to the extent possible, reduces your administrative responsibilities.  We take the time to understand your objectives and design a retirement plan program that provides your employees with the greatest value and, to the extent possible, reduces your administrative responsibility take the time to understand your objectives and design a retirement plan program that provides your employees with the greatest value and, to the extent possible, reduces your administrative responsibilities.     


Reduce Liability

Aegis Advisors is an Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®) This means we share in your liability to act in the best interest of retirement plan participants.  We will help you stay compliant by managing plan investments and adhering to a central fiduciary process.

Transparent Fees

The total cost of our 401(k) and pension plans are often lower than our competitors.  We do this by providing open architecture retirement programs, eliminating unneccessary hidden fees in the process.  Our independent approach enables us to provide access to many different retirement plan providers, find the best fit for your situation.

Quality Investments

The investments offered in all of our plans are put through a monthly screening process that is outlined in the investment policy statement (IPS) developed with our clients.  The investments are scored and ranked among their peers in their respective asset classes in an easy to read report for our clients. 

Proactive Engagement

We begin by taking the time to understand your business and to learn why you're implementing a retirement plan in the first place.  Whether it's to maximize tax savings or to attract and retain key employees, we make sure you get the most value from your plan.  We also strive to make sure your employees are meaningfully engaged. 

Participant Education

We are the retirement plan experts, so you don't have to be.  Both you and your employees have direct access to our experienced team of advisors.  We help the plan participants develop a risk tolerance and time horizon if they are new to investing.  We like to educate your employees not only on the benefits of plan you offer but on broader retirement topics as well.